contact charline profiri
Author Visit Request Form
To request an author appearance, please copy and paste the following into an email and complete the necessary information, and email to me at: charlineprofiri@gmail.com.
Date of request:
Name, title, mailing address, e-mail, and telephone number of the contact person:
Name, title, mailing address, e-mail, and telephone number of host school principal or Organization President:
Top two preferred dates and times of appearance:
Host School/Organization and location (city/state):
Details about what you would like the author to do, including:
Number, length and name/type of presentation/s:
Grade/s and size/s of groups:
Autographing (Will school/organization preorder the author’s books?):
Honorarium offered:
Additional information (proximity to nearest airport, driving directions, etc.):
I'd love to hear from you!
The best way to reach me is via email. Just fill out the contact info below...
If you have a specific request for an author visit, please complete the Author Visit Request Form to the left.
Thank you for visiting my website!
Charline Profiri